Know us who we are here for what?
Our Service brings you better workplace
Driving Success, Embracing Strengths
Empower Your Hiring Process with Trusted Employment Checks
Reviews Candidate’s Legal History to ensure risk free hiring
Verify, Identify, Secure: Your Trust Matters Most
Check potential threats and make confirm hiring decisions.
A verified address is the start of a successful journey.
Checks validation of passport, secure your workforce
Checking global database-helps hiring more trust & secure
Helps to find candidate’s suspicious actvities on digital board.
Verify reference detail to make sure with more clarity
Finds the reality of skills and career experience
Checks account & transaction detail to reveal any related issues
Checks wheather any crime is reported
Tests to know Addiction of Drugs
Verify wheather mentally challenged or not
Verify academic history and documents
Checks to find employee credit history
The specific process of education verification can vary depending on the organization and the level of education being verified. However, here are some common methods used for education verification: Contacting the educational institution : The organization conducting the verification may directly contact the educational institution where the individual claims to have studied. This can involve contacting the registrar's office or admissions department to confirm the details provided by the individual. Requesting official transcripts : Transcripts are official documents that provide a detailed record of an individual's academic performance, including courses taken, grades earned, and dates of attendance. The organization conducting the verification may request the individual to provide official transcripts directly from the educational institution. Degree and certificate verification : For higher education degrees, such as bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees, the organization may verify the authenticity of the degree certificate itself. This can involve confirming the degree with the issuing institution or checking for security features on the certificate. It's important to note that the specific process and requirements for education verification can vary depending on the country, educational system, and the policies of the organization conducting the verification. If you have any specific questions or require assistance with a particular aspect of education verification, please let me know. For more information on education background verification please visit us our website at 4SL Background Check Pvt. Ltd.
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