Address Verification Service, Employment Address Check

Digital Address Check & Verification for Employment


Address verification plays a vital component within the spectrum of address check for employment conducted by organizations. The recording of an employee address serves the purpose of establishing multiple points of contact for the individual. Furthermore, it enables organizations to acquire additional details about the employee. The establishment of diverse contact points is essential for organizations to effectively communicate with employees during emergencies or adverse events.

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Address verification by visit residence physically

The process of Residential Address Verification involves either a physical site visit or a database check. Our on-site personnel visit the candidate's current, permanent, or previous addresses, as specified by the employer. During these visits, details such as the house, street, GPS coordinates, and the verifier's signature are recorded and shared with the employer. It's important to note that this service is available for specific locations only. Additionally, this verification process is frequently conducted alongside a criminal record check, especially since police records in many states are decentralized at the local police station level.

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Digital Address Verification

Digital address verification is a streamlined and efficient process that leverages technology to confirm the accuracy and legitimacy of an individual's address information. Unlike traditional methods that may involve physical site visits, digital address verification relies on electronic data sources, databases, and online platforms. This method not only enhances the speed of the verification process but also allows for real-time confirmation. Digital address verification is particularly valuable in today's fast-paced and interconnected world, offering a reliable and convenient way for organizations to validate addresses for various purposes, such as employment background checks, financial transactions, and online services. The use of technology in this context contributes to increased accuracy, reduced turnaround time, and improved overall efficiency in the verification workflow.

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Why is Address verification necessary?

  1. For facilitating communication with employees during pre-hiring and post-termination phases, this includes sending offer letters, application forms, and final settlement documents. In some instances, it proves beneficial for dispatching legal notices.
  2. Address verification serves as the primary point of contact for inquiries related to absenteeism, disciplinary matters, or violations. Instances have been documented where employees disappear after defaulting on customer accounts. Address verification not only prevents such occurrences but is also instrumental in locating such defaulters.
  3. In the event of criminal acts committed by employees, verified addresses play a crucial role in aiding law enforcement authorities during their investigations.

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Address verification involves a visit by a field officer to the specified address. The officer verifies address details, the duration of stay, ownership status, and information about other residents. If the door is found locked, the officer proceeds to confirm details with neighbors.
The cost of this address check generally depends on the remoteness and accessibility of the location. In certain areas facing disturbances, or due to high costs, conducting this check may not be feasible.

Pricing Details
Employment Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 500.00-700.00 5-7 Working days
Employment Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 100.00-200.00 1-3 Working days
Address Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 100.00-200.00 1-2 Working days
Address Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 300.00-700.00 3-7 Working days