Social Media Background Check, Employment Social Media Screening

Social Media Background Check for Employment


Today, in the world of technological advancements, social media has risen as a dominant and influential platform. More than 2 billion users are active participants on social media networks worldwide. Whereas in India, more than 250 million of population had begun using social media according to a data presented by Statista in 2019. On micro blogging sites such as Twitter, the figure of active users per month rose up to an enormous 23 million. The impact and expanse of social media is evident and obvious, with 11% of the world’s Facebook users belonging only from India. Social Media investigation online revealed, nearly 80% of the millennials devote their time either browsing or networking on social media. Without any dispute we have to agree, social media has become a reliable source for fetching information due to its trouble-free accessibility, availability and undeniable visual appeal. Thus, Social Media Verification has become the need of the hour especially, for the digital marketing brands and for personalities/celebrities who require this medium for personal branding.

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What are the main features of Social Media Background Check?

Social Media Background Check involves the process of utilizing social media for performing Background Verification. This kind of check contains investigation of social media posts, data provided on the candidate’s profile and indulgence on social media platforms to interpret a candidate’s identity and repute. The verification of the social media account enables the Companies to gain trust and confirms authenticity of the user.

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Reference Background Checks through Social Media:

Most of the employers are now aiming at social media while performing employment background checks of the potential candidates. A survey by Career Builder reveals, 77% of Organizations that participated in the survey verified the candidates over social media, before hiring them. Companies expect applicants to hold a positive presence on online platforms and this certainly, leaves an impact on the employers. Surprisingly, a study disclosed that, 60% of the recruiters were unwilling to allow candidates for interviews if they were not present on online platforms. Hiring managers search for posts on social media professional sites such as LinkedIn, for recommendations and references. They also assess the comments and interactions of the prospective candidates and the number of followers they have online. Social Media Investigation online is thus, conducted on the prospective applicants by the Companies for safer and smarter hires.

Pricing Details
Employment Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 500.00-700.00 5-7 Working days
Employment Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 100.00-200.00 1-3 Working days
Address Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 100.00-200.00 1-2 Working days
Address Check
Rate TAT
Rs. 300.00-700.00 3-7 Working days

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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Q1.

    What is Social Media Verification in the context of Employment Checks?

    Social Media Verification is a crucial component of employment background screening where a company assesses an applicant's online presence on social media platforms to ensure that their online activity aligns with the company's values and job requirements.
  • Q2.

    How Long Does the Social Media Verification Process Take?

    The duration can vary but typically takes a few days to a week, depending on the thoroughness of the check and the responsiveness of the social media platforms.The duration can vary but typically takes a few days to a week, depending on the thoroughness of the check and the responsiveness of the social media platforms.
  • Q3.

    What Information is Checked during Social Media Verification?

    Social Media Verification typically involves checking an applicant's public social media profiles for any red flags, inappropriate content, or potential concerns related to their behavior.
  • Q4.

    Is Social Media Verification Legal in India?

    Yes, it is legal in India when conducted with the consent of the candidate and in compliance with data protection and privacy laws.
  • Q5.

    What Information is Checked during Social Media Verification?

    Social Media Verification typically involves checking an applicant's public social media profiles for any red flags, inappropriate content, or potential concerns related to their behavior.