Know us who we are here for what?
Our Service brings you better workplace
Driving Success, Embracing Strengths
Empower Your Hiring Process with Trusted Employment Checks
Reviews Candidate’s Legal History to ensure risk free hiring
Verify, Identify, Secure: Your Trust Matters Most
Check potential threats and make confirm hiring decisions.
A verified address is the start of a successful journey.
Checks validation of passport, secure your workforce
Checking global database-helps hiring more trust & secure
Helps to find candidate’s suspicious actvities on digital board.
Verify reference detail to make sure with more clarity
Finds the reality of skills and career experience
Checks account & transaction detail to reveal any related issues
Checks wheather any crime is reported
Tests to know Addiction of Drugs
Verify wheather mentally challenged or not
Verify academic history and documents
Checks to find employee credit history
The success of EB initiatives relies on implementing actions that prioritize and enhance the quality of: • Employee experience in the organization • talent retention and • Brand disclosure
The concept of employer branding encompasses the company's reputation as an employer, not only among its existing employees but also among all its key stakeholders, including active and passive job candidates, customers, consumers, suppliers, and more. Creating a strong employer brand entails thoughtful consideration of the company's image, identity, and culture. This process involves examining internal dynamics and fostering positive relationships within the organization to ensure a thriving and harmonious work environment.
We recommend aligning the application frequency of the instrument with the organization's strategic planning frequency. The suitable interval may differ based on factors such as the business model, management maturity, and external environment volatility, allowing no fixed rules to be followed. Nevertheless, we find that a 6-month interval is advisable for two main reasons: • While the plan undergoes biannual, annual, or half-yearly reviews, employer brand management remains a relatively new focus in organizations. • The employer brand strategy aligns with the overall macro strategy of the business, and within this time frame, any necessary adjustments to the organization's trajectory can be monitored and implemented. For more information on employer branding survey please contact us at 4SL background Check Pvt. Ltd.
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